Aesthetic Theology. This is my new web site which looks at original forms of communication between humanity and its creator. Language came very late into the equation (i.e. some 13 billion years after the Big Bang). So what existed before? It is all there if only we can understand the operations of the brain and come to the realisation that we have allowed part of our brains, to our great detriment, to become dominant and thus persuade us that the narrow focus of materialism in our lives, rather than an holistic view of all things, is the way forward for humanity's progress and salvation.
The Scientific and Medical Network. An International organisation dedicated to pushing forward and experiencing the boundaries of knowledge about human consciousness, well being, spirituality and ecology. Possibly a place where exciting new theology exists. Very challenging intellectually but worth it. If only they would engage in education at a point where they could have a real impact.
The Federation of Spiritual Healers Ever wondered how the healing miracles of Jesus were accomplished? Here is a glimpse of one possibility, and without any religious affiliation.
The Templeton Foundation The site which contains many challenging ideas and articles on the interface of Religion & Science. This is a required site for all interested in the survival of Christianity
The Gnostic Society You may disagree with their theology but I have not found elsewhere such poetry of spiritual imagination in their prayers or readings. Spirituality reigns through its language & aspirations.
Lichfield Cathedral A site which contains many ideas to which all cathedrals should subscribe.
St. James Piccadilly, London Christianity as it should be practised, engaging in all areas of human activity with flare, concern and excellence.
TCPC. The Centre for Progressive Christianity. Worth a visit by anyone who is interested in an inclusive and open form of Christianity, even if there is an absence of real spirituality.
The Sea of Faith An interesting site with for those who feel that there is no Divine revelation in religion, or no sense of searching and co-operation between those of different faiths.
The Modern Churchpeople's Union This used to be the Modern Churchmen's Union and as such, in the middle of the 19th century, portrayed the views of prominent Anglican theologians. Thanks to its continued support for scientific investigation it has found an increased voice recently with the rise of 'Creationism'.
The Incorporated Society of Musicians. An excellent site for all interested in the welfare of professional musicians.
The Friends of Cathedral Music A site for those interested in the emotional/spiritual value of professionally performed liturgical music (whatever the gender politics!).
The Royal College of Organists. The site of aspiration of many orthodox-style organists. Slightly dull & middle class without any pretensions to the possibilities of the development of the organ and its music.
The Irish Harp Centre Run by Janet Harbison and Malcolm Gullis (great friends of ours) here you will find a true musical heart of Ireland and the spiritual thoughts of Malcolm, culled from his deep experience of working in the Church of England (Salisbury Cathedral), the Church of Ireland and as a Benedictine oblate working with the Benedictine establishment of Glenstal Abbey near Limerick.
York Minster An obvious inclusion since it is our local cathedral. Hard to say how I regard it! Lovely integrated sound, and the ambience is excellent, but the main service, i.e. Sunday Eucharist, is a little light on music. They sing only a service (i.e. no anthems or psalm), and even then only the Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus. January is an obvious time to visit since the nave is emptied of chairs and all services take place in the Chancel. Wonderful - cathedral liturgy in its optimum setting with the bonus of seeing the body of the Minster as originally conceived - chairless!